Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Icon from the boat

These icon all from the boat.
(1)human icon: it represented the hero in the family and the family icon. Different human icon means different family. However it will means the same hero spirit.
the circle kind of hand is from the butterfly in the island.

(2)The most important icon on the boat.It means the eye of the boat. It can help the boat be safe on the ocean, and find the way home.

(3)ocean icon:It means ocean. the shape help people avoid evil.

(4)teeth icon:teeth of the boat. Different family has shape.

(5)hair icon: the hair of the boat. it is from chicken fur

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The exhibtion about orchid island in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
This got me excited.

amazing flying fish


The singer is a police man in orchid island.
it start from 1:15
the song is to sing the praises of the ocean.

ocean is the best

one thing that really impressed me is the kids all think ocean is the best!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

old works_printmaking

I done a serious of woodcut printmaking when I was in under....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Asian calligraphy typically uses ink brushes to write characters. Calligraphy is considered an important art in East Asia and the most refined form of East Asian painting.
Calligraphy has also influenced ink and wash painting, which is accomplished using similar tools and techniques. Calligraphy has influenced most major art styles in Asia

seal cutting

Seal cutting, or Zhuanke , is a kind of traditional art originated in China and spreads in the East Asia.

In Shang Dynasty, seals started being used in the gorvernmental systerms, and they represented the authority and power. During Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the material of making a seal was mainly the animal bones, copper (bronze) and pottery, and there were special trained, sophisticated artisans or craftsmen, including potters majored in this work - making seals. Because seals in this period were mainly used in governments and mainly by nobles and officials, the style of seals should be very formal and beautiful. In Shang Dynasty, the oracle bone script (chin: 甲骨文) was used, and during Zhou period, various scripts (because the Chinese characters were still not unified then) but mainly Dazhuan (chin: 大篆) or Jinwen (chin: 金文) were used.

In Qin Dynasty, the more regular and formal seal script called Xiaozhuang (chin: 小篆) was formalized by the Chancellor Li Si and was announced by the Emperor Qinshihuang , thus the written scrip of Chinese characters was first unified. Due to the development of the Chinese architecture, seals in this period also were widely used in materials of buildings, e.g. after finishing of a tile or a brick, the maker normally stampped his seal on the surface, and this case can be found on the antiques of this period, and such seals aside of indicating producers' names, time or places, they already have various styles, reflects the personal characteristics of the manufactures.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Dao of tea is the heart of meditation

The custom of drinking tea, first for medicinal, and then largely also for pleasurable reasons, was already widespread throughout China. In the early 9th century, Chinese author Lu Yu wrote the Chá jīng (茶經, teh classic of tea), a treatise on tea focusing on its cultuvation and preparation. Lu Yu's life had been heavily influenced by Buddhism.

Taiwan status

Since the Taiwan localization movement of the 1990s, Taiwan's cultural identity has enjoyed greater expression. Identity politics, along with the over one hundred years of political separation from mainland China has led to distinct traditions in many areas.
The status of Taiwanese culture is debated. It is disputed whether Taiwanese culture is part of Chinese culture or a distinct culture. Speaking Taiwanese as a symbol of the localization movement has become an emblem of Taiwanese identity.


The island of Taiwan lies in a complex tectonic area between the Eurasian plate and the philippine plate. The upper part of the crust on the island is primarily made up of a series of terranes, mostly old island arcs which have been forced together by the collision of the Eurasian and Philippine plates. These have been further uplifted as a result of the detachment of a portion of the Eurasian Plate as it subducted beneath the Philippine Plate, a process which left the crust under Taiwan more buoyant.

The major seismic faults in Taiwan correspond to the various suture zones between the various terranes. These have produced major quakes throughout the history of the island.

Traditional puppet

Put hand inside
Glove puppetry (POJ: pò͘-tē-hì; Chinese: 布袋戲; pinyin: bùdàixì), also known as budai mu'ouxi, shoucao kuileixi, shoudai kuileixi, chang-chung hsi (pinyin: zhǎngzhōngxì), xiaolong, or zhihuaxi is a type of local opera using cloth puppets that originated during the 17th century in Quanzhou or Zhangzhou, in China's Fujian province, and has been historically practiced in Quanzhou, Zhongzhou, Chaozhou in Guangdong, Taiwan, and other parts of southern China. The puppet's head uses wood carved into the shape of a hollow human head, but aside from the head, palms, and feet, which are made of wood, the puppet's torso and limbs consist entirely of cloth costumes. At the time of the performance, a gloved hand enters the puppet's costume and makes it perform. In previous years the puppets used in this type of performance strongly resembled "cloth sacks," hence the name, which literally means "cloth bag opera."


popular place for the puppet

Glove puppetry (pò͘-tē-hì) performances, similar to those other types of Chinese opera, are divided into a first half and a second half show. During the first half, known as the "show platform" (戲台), the audience is shown a demonstration by a master puppeteer on the stage. The second half consists of the puppet master, the orchestra, and the spoken parts. Several key points of a show to be appreciated include: the dexterity of the master puppeteer's manipulation of the puppet, the accompaniment of the orchestra, and the poetic spoken parts of the voice actors. With few exceptions, from traditional pò͘-tē-hì to modern performances, human vocal music and operatic singing is rarely heard.

the most popular puppet

full of a lot of people