Saturday, May 16, 2009


I have trouble editting the HTML for the blog...
I just can classify them here...

Feb-M.C escher research
Mar-culture research
Api-cutlture research

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I try to make complex shape.this is a hero who wear their traditional cloth.
the idea is from the right side of the picture.
I think I can emphasize the detail in the cloth later and make it more believable.

Tessellations by Recognizable Figures

All of Escher’s tessellations by recognizable figures are derived from just a handful of geometric patterns. There are several different techniques that Escher used, and sometimes he combined techniques as well, but all involve a transformation from a simple geometric pattern to a complicated, recognizable figure.

The simplest example of an Escher tessellation is based on a square. Start with a simple geometric pattern, a square grid, and then change that ever so slightly.

What do you see? Some will think it looks like interlocked men, others may see birds. Decorating each of the newly formed tiles can emphasize a particular interpretation, and creates a tessellation by recognizable figures, in the style of Escher.

I think this is very interesting. Escher's idea is exactly animation morphing process.


the special butterfly in the island

Monday, May 11, 2009

Convex Polygons

Every shape of triangle can be used to tessellate the plane. Every shape of quadrilateral can be used to tessellate the plane. In both cases, the angle sum of the shape plays a key role. Since triangles have angle sum 180° and quadrilaterals have angle sum 360°, copies of one tile can fill out the 360° surrounding a vertex of the tessellation.

The next simplest shape after the three and four sided polygon is the five sided polygon: the pentagon. The angle sum of any pentagon is 540°, because we can divide the pentagon into three triangles:

Unlike the triangle and quadrilateral case, the pentagon's angle sum of 540° is not helpful when trying to fit a bunch of pentagons around a vertex. In fact, there are pentagons which do not tessellate the plane.
some are not working:

some are working

Non-Euclidean Geometry:


I try to put the fish image which I made before by the Tessellations math.

design_aboriginal lin cloth(Tessellations)

Tessellations by Polygons

The picture works because all three corners (A, B, and C) of the triangle come together to make a 180° angle - a straight line. This property of triangles will be the foundation of our study of polygon tessellations

Since the angle sum of any triangle is 180°, and there are two triangles, the angle sum of the quadrilateral is 180° + 180° = 360°. Taking a little more care with the argument, we have:


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Math and the Art of MC Escher

I am reading the online book of Math and the Art of MC Escher.
there are some topic which help me a lot.(I will keep to post)
A tessellation is a covering of the plane by shapes, called tiles, so that there are no empty spaces and no overlapped tiles. Tessellations are also called tilings.Some tessellations involve many types of tiles, but the most interesting tessellations use only one or a few different tiles to fill the plane. If the tiles are regular polygons (all sides are congruent and all angles are congruent) and vertices only meet vertices we say that the tessellation is a regular tessellation.An example of tessellations using only a few different tiles are the semi-regular tessellations. These tessellations are made up of two or more types of regular polygons, vertices only meet vertices and the configuration around every vertex is the same.

Escher lays out his methods for creating tessellations:

1.Begin with a tessellation by geometric shapes.
2."Mold the form". Here, he bends and manipulates the straight lines of the geometric scaffolding.
3.Look at the resulting pattern and attempt to recognize a figure.
4.Push the pattern towards the desired shape.

a interview from escher

just see a interview from M.C escher.
the idea of all the architecture is interesting.

cool effect

there are some cool effect that might help me.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Icon from the boat

These icon all from the boat.
(1)human icon: it represented the hero in the family and the family icon. Different human icon means different family. However it will means the same hero spirit.
the circle kind of hand is from the butterfly in the island.

(2)The most important icon on the boat.It means the eye of the boat. It can help the boat be safe on the ocean, and find the way home.

(3)ocean icon:It means ocean. the shape help people avoid evil.

(4)teeth icon:teeth of the boat. Different family has shape.

(5)hair icon: the hair of the boat. it is from chicken fur